If you’re into the art of the lonely wife hookup, welcome to the club. It seems that more and more guys are discovering this very important sexual demographic in the United States. There was a very famous song in the year 2003, called “Stacy’s Mom”. That song pretty much encapsulates the whole popularity of the lonely wife hookup.
Make no mistake about it, regardless of how rich, emotionally secure, and psychologically balanced a woman is, she can be lonely. You see, loneliness is all about emotional intimacy. Even if she has an otherwise loving husband that has given her everything that she’s looking for in life. They live in the right part of town, she drives a great car, he makes lots of money, and they go on a lot of trips abroad. All that stuff is flushed down the toilet when there is very little emotional intimacy.
When that happens, the wife will feel lonely and she’s going to try to find it from guys that would be able to deliver them. I’m not talking about finding a boyfriend. I’m not talking about cheating on her husband on an emotional level. I’m talking about just getting that feeling of assurance, validation, and appreciation.
You see, women look at sex very differently than guys. For guys, it’s a physical act. With women, it’s more of an emotional state. If you’re able to understand, then do not screw up your lonely wife hookup experiences by letting it get into girlfriend territory. Make sure that you’re just there to give her assurance and appreciation, but not much else.
If you’re able to do that then you’re playing the game by the right rules, otherwise it’s too easy to shit where you eat and guess what, you deserve what you have coming to you. You have a great thing going and the last thing that you want is to screw things up by getting all emotional the wrong way.
I’m not saying that all emotions are bad. Remember, they’re looking for emotional validation. That’s OK, but when you get to a girlfriend/boyfriend territory or emotional entanglements, you might end up biting off more than you can chew. So if you think you’re ready for it than please click here to enter lonely wife dating site